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Gsoc guide of 2020

Gsoc guide of 2020

GSoC guide 

How to Configure GSoC (Google Code Type) -

Complete Guide

Do you have any interesting idea adding features to a VLC media player, the most popular media player
used by millions of users worldwide?
Are you new to open source offerings or do you like to contribute to open-source projects ??
If you're interested in open source projects and if your developer mind produces great ideas
that make the software more valuable to its users then add some features than Google Summer
of Code is a great place to showcase your skill.
Google Summer of Code which you can also take as the Oscar for Coding World is a global program
to promote open source development with the help of readers and Open Source Organizations such
as Apache, Eclipse, Mozilla, GNOME, and many more.

How to configure-Google-Summer-of-Code-A-Complete-Guide

Google compares lecturers and program planners from universities to work on important open source
projects that create value for their users worldwide. It first launched in 2005 and is an excellent
opportunity for students to use their summertime to study and engage with open source projects.
Google organizes this every year from May to mid-August (about three months of the program)
where students work with organizations and projects they love. They participate in a wide range of
projects such as Cloud, Graphics, Programming Languages, Applications, Robots, Science, Security,
Medical, and many more.

How does it work and when should it be used?

Students who wish to participate in the GSoC, select an organization they wish to work with and
interact with. Most open source organizations are active in the GSoC and once the shortlist has
been compiled Google announces the name of these organizations. When organizations are listed,
students submit their project proposals to the selected organization. These suggestions and ideas are
listed by organizations and once they are done they begin to work together on the proposal and ideas.
Students then pay for these organizations and receive guidance from the mentors and work on the
project during the summer break the guidelines agreed with its instructors.
Statistics show that India is doing very well and being very good at the GSoC competition.
You can check out Indian Student Engagement Statistics on the Google Open Source Blog. Below is a
list of the most accepted students of GSoC 2018. This list includes a ton-IITian so you do not need to
underestimate your strengths when you are not from IIT and when you are ready to work hard at GSoC

To check the deadline and program timetable every year for the GSoC visit on Google's Summer of
Code timeline page.

Note: The application process officially begins in March and Google announces the organization's
listing most of the time on the first February of the week. It is good to start early.

Measurement method
You must be at least 18 years old when you register.
By now you must be a full-time or part-time student (or have been accepted and committed to a
part-time job) at an accredited university as announced by the invitation date for student proposals.
You must be allowed to work in the country of residence during the program.
You are not generally accepted as a student at GSoC.
You must live in the unrestricted country of the United States right now. See Program Rules for more
OK. But How To Start And Am I Enough To Share?
We know that you will definitely ask this question to you early in the program or if you think the GSoC
is only for advanced programmers because this is a global competition and participating in it is not easy.
First of all, keep in mind that it's not rocket science if you really enjoy the complete process and program,
and you don't need to be a Computer Science or IT major. Students from all subject areas

I think this is the best thing in my life until I get an email saying that if have been selected for the
Google Summer of Code 18 internship under Fosasia for the PSLAP program. Before I go the steps, what is GSoC?Therefore, GSoC is a global open source internship program focused on promoting open-source development among college students. Many people in the organization come up with their own plans and
then college students are chosen to implement the projects they want.So let's start with step-by-step instructions to make it easier to follow:


GSoC is a fully open-source internship, so you should learn about using Git tools and the

Github platform (because almost all projects are on Github), which is not really specific to

GSoC, but this skill is good for every developer and developer.

Step 1 Choosing the right plan and layout

To get this move right, you need to go to the GSoC archives of the companies you selected

last year, look at their plans and try to find the plan you like.

The company selected for GSoC will be announced almost a month before the student application

opens, so you have plenty of time to choose the best program for you.

You don't need to fully understand every aspect of the projects, most projects are a mix of

different technology stocks, but you have to focus on your own technology. If you are a complete

beginner and know a little bit about programming language then there is no need to worry.

Look through projects, shortlist what's interesting to you, try to use published products,

think about improvement or new features, learn the language it uses, and try to implement those features.

You may not find your interest in the first attempt, but the process of selecting a project is a

success and a test, but you must keep on trying until you find one.

Step 2 Identify yourself by joining the project mailing list

For every project you find on GSoC, this step is only a subset of the first phase, where all

discussions about projects take place on sites like Kidder and Slack. You need to join that

channel and recognize yourself by creating a short introductory message that tells you about

yourself and how to get started.

Someone from the community will definitely answer you and guide you on how to start the project. 

This is important because it is a place where you can listen to all your doubts and 

make yourself a place in the community.

Step 3 Familiarize yourself with the project principles and collaborate

Someone else may already have a chance to work, and it is nice to see some old problems

because someone else is doing the job at a very low probability.

Once you have selected the problems, try to solve them, ask the channel if you have any

questions, and start creating PR for them. Doing so will increase your choice.

Step 4 Start solving the doubts of others in the community

When you are dealing with theories and begin to solve problems, always try to help others

with doubts, which is your added benefit.

Never try to mislead anyone, because people learn to code together as a community.

Step 5 presents a plan

It is important and deciding

before fallowing the above steps you must learn given in the below
first, learn basic language
and DS algorithm this is the main thing and next to learn Git and Github