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Essay on Child Marriage Essay on Child Marriage in English

Essay on Child Marriage Essay
on Child Marriage in English
Essay on Child Marriage Essay on Child Marriage in English
Essay on Child Marriage Essay on Child Marriage in English - Bal Vivah
child marriage 

Essay on Child Marriage Essay on Child Marriage in English
Child marriage is a practice. It was prevalent in ancient times when boys
and girls were married at a very young age. Child marriages have been
happening not only in India but all over the world. The Government of India
enacted the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006 on 1 November 2007.

According to this rule, at the time of marriage, the boy's age should be 21
years and the girl's age should be 18 years. People related to marriage at a
young age will be punished. Now child marriage Child marriage is completely
banned in India. There is a provision of 15 days imprisonment and 1000 fine
for marrying at the age of 18 years.

It is believed that child marriages are still prevalent in the state of Bihar, Kerala,
India. Another country where India is emerging as a world power, the same
practice as child marriage is stopping the development of the country.
We all want to end this evil practice.
Essay on Child Marriage Essay on Child Marriage in English

Essay on Child Marriage Essay on Child Marriage in English

 Indian History of Child Marriage
Child marriages have been in India since ancient times. During the Delhi Sultanate,
there were frequent incidents of rape and kidnapping of girls by foreign invaders.
To avoid this, parents used to marry their daughters soon. Before independence,
Raja Rammohan Roy, Keshav Chandra had raised their voice against child marriage
He had got the British Government passed the "Special Marriage Act" under which
the age of boys was 18 years and girls were
14 years old.

But it was banned. The bill was reformed and passed in the name of the
"Child Marriage Restatement" bill which increased the age of boys to 21
years of age and that of girls to 18 years of marriage.

Reasons for Child Marriage due to Child Marriage
Love Marriage Love Marriage
The culture and civilization of India does not recognize love marriage.
Here marriage is decided by the parents of the girl.
Many girls get married in love, which is not fully recognized in India.
Essay on Child Marriage Essay on Child Marriage in English

To avoid this, many parents marry their girls before the age of 18.
So that they do not have to face any unpleasant incident.

Women molestation and sexual offenses Molestation and Sexual Assault
There are frequent incidents of molestation of young women in India.
India's ranking in the rape case is very poor. There are incidents of sexual harassment
and exploitation here every day.Fed up with all these problems, the parents of the
girls get married soon. They want to get rid of their problem. Such incidents
are more common in villages, countryside and small towns. Which proves to
be a big challenge for the girls' parents.
Essay on Child Marriage Essay on Child Marriage in English

Family Issues
The culture of India is such that the elders of the house here want their grandchildren
to get married while they are alive. That's why many times in India, boys, and girls are
married before the age of 18.

Parents in India are often very concerned about their daughters, because someday
they get to hear some such incident which distracts them. Many girls fall in love with
boys of other castes. Distracted by such incidents,
parents get their girls married before 18 years.

Poverty is also a major reason for child marriage. Many poor people are unable
to teach their daughters. They do not have enough money to give a good future
to their daughter. Therefore, they want to get rid of their responsibilities by
marrying quickly.

Disadvantages of Child Marriage
Being a mother at a young age
This is the worst loss of child marriage. Due to child marriage, girls become
pregnant at an early age, while their body is not able to fully develop 
mental and physical development. Many young girls die prematurely during
childbirth. Therefore child marriage should stop all of us.

Bad Health Ill Health
Being a mother at a young age affects the health of girls. She starts living sick.
Many nutrients are deficient in their body. Therefore, doctors advise that any girl
should become a mother only after 18 years.
Children born to a mother at an early age can become malnourished.
It is very likely.


All of us should raise our voice against child marriage. If child marriage takes
place somewhere, it should be opposed. Only by spreading awareness in the
society can we end it. All of us should tell each other about the harm caused
by this. Essay on Child Marriage Essay on Child Marriage in English

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