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Human rights of India

Human rights of India

Human rights of India

Human rights are called universal rights which every person
is entitled to regardless of their gender, caste, creed, religion,
culture, social/economic status, or place. These are standards
that describe certain standards of human behavior and are
protected by law.


Types of Human Rights of India :

Human rights of India, Human rights of India

Human rights are divided into two broad categories.
These are civil and political rights. They also have social
rights which include economic and cultural rights.
Here is detailed information on basic human rights
given to every person:

right to life

Every human living on earth has the right to survive.
Everyone has the right not to be killed by anyone and
this right is protected by law. However, this does not
include issues like capital punishment, self-defense,
abortion, euthanasia, and war.

Freedom to speak

Every human being has the right to speak freely and voice
their opinions in public although this right also has some
limitations such as obscenity, disturbances, and inciting riots.

Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
Every country gives its citizens the right to think freely and to
build honest beliefs. Every person has the right to follow any
religion of his choice and is free to change it at any time from
time to time according to his free will.

Right to a fair trial
Under this right, every person has the right to a fair hearing
by a fair court, hearing within a reasonable time, the right to
counsel, the right to a public hearing, and the right to interpretation.

Freedom from tyranny
According to international law, every person has the right to
freedom from tyranny. It has been banned since the mid-20th century.

Freedom of movement
This means that every person has the right to travel, live, work,
or study in any part of their country.

Freedom from slavery
According to this right, slavery and slavery traders are prohibited
in all respects. Unfortunately, however, these abuses still go on illegally.

Human rights violation

While every human is entitled to human rights, these rights are still
often violated. These rights are violated when the actions taken by
the state are ignored, denied, or misused.

A United Nations committee has been set up to investigate human
rights abuses. Many national institutions, non-governmental
organizations and the government also monitors them to ensure
that the basic rights of a person are not violated.

These organizations work towards spreading awareness about human
rights so that people can get a piece of good knowledge about their rights.
He has also protested against inhuman practices. Due to these protests,
action has been witnessed several times, which has improved the situation.

The conclusion (human rights of India):

Human rights are the fundamental rights given to every person.
To be a world, these rights are protected by law. However, they
are sometimes violated by states, individuals, or groups. It is
inhumane to deprive a person of these basic rights.
That is why many organizations have been set up to
protect these rights.

Also Please Read below articles :

1.Essay on Human Rights(human rights)

2. Human rights in India

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