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Space research career

Space research carrer

If you want to do research on the mysterious world of space, then make a career
in scienceAstronomy is the science associated with the space research of
the universe. In this, studies are done about the celestial movements outside
the Earth's atmosphere and the processes related
to their formation, etc.
A career in space science
space research
space research

A career in space research:

Space research
Astronomy is the science associated with the research of the universe. In this,
studies are done about the celestial movements outside the Earth's atmosphere
and the processes related to their formation, etc.
Especially this is a sector which is being seen as a challenging and employment
sector in the future. As interesting as it is, it also demands as much hard work.
India's flight into space:

India's space activities are increasing day by day. To discover the secrets of the
moon, India launched Chandrayaan-1, then there is a plan to launch Chandrayaan-2
in the coming time. India has plans to take new steps on the moon by 2015.

To make a career in Space Science, you must be a graduate in Maths, Physics,
Chemistry. Many universities also offer graduate, postgraduate courses in space
science. In many institutes, research can also be done on space science. ISRO
has excellent opportunities for students who have done their MSc, BSc, ME, and
Ph.D. Apart from this, students who have done a BSc and Diploma in ISRO also
get admission.

Can work in various fields of Space Science, such as Astrophysics, Galactic
Science, Stellar Science, Remote Sensing, Hydrology, Cartography, Non-Earth
Planetary Science, Biology of Other Planets, Astronautics, Space Colonization
, Climatology. Looking at the times ahead, there is a good scope in space
science. In this field, apart from space scientists, it can also be associated
with metrological service, environmental monitoring, astronomical data study.

How to become a space scientist?(space research)

New science research has also made career paths easier for the youth.
Different branches of science have also opened up career avenues.
One such area is space. New research has opened up career avenues
for the youth in the space as well.
A strong foundation in mathematics and physics is considered mandatory
at the undergraduate level to understand space-related subjects.
Therefore, it is necessary to have a stronghold on these subjects at
this first graduation.

You can do courses related to Space Science from these institutes-
- Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabad. -
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
- Lucknow University, Lucknow.
- Chennai University, Chennai.
space research
space research

Subjects like Astronomy and Astrophysics are also taught at the
BSC level in these institutes. To get admission in these institutes,
one has to pass the test. Very bright employment opportunities are
available after the course.
It is now easier than ever to get accurate information about the weather
or planetary satellite through satellite and new technology. The detection
of atmospheres or earth movements has also become easier.

All this is possible with 'Space Science'. New things are being added
to it year after year. In this, data is collected from an advanced computers
and supercomputer. In case of non-availability of data, an attempt is made
to reach a conclusion through an assessment. Professionals associated
with this work are called space scientists. Over time it has taken the form
of a strong career. The interest of youth in this field is increasing rapidly.
Industry experts also believe that the number of jobs will increase in the
coming five years.

What is space science
It is a branch of science under which we study the universe.
It contains information about planets, stars, etc. During the course,
students are also given information about how the Earth and Solar System
originated and the process of its expansion.
The tools used in this are also given to students in the form of Theory and Practical.

Admission after twelfth
All the courses in it range from Bachelor to Ph.D. level. Admission to the
Bachelor course will be available only if the student has passed class XII
examination with Science subject (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics).
In this, an entrance examination is conducted at the All India level.
After getting success in this, you get admission to the Bachelor program,
while in the Master program, you get admission after BTech and BSc.
If students want to specialize in a field then they must have a Ph.D. degree.
Space research
Branches of space science
Astronomy- This is such an important branch of space science, under
which the study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc. is studied.
It usually focuses on astronomy assessment.
Astrophysics- This is a branch under which the birth-death and life of stars,
planets, sky Ganga and other elements of the solar system are studied
based on the laws of physics and chemistry.
Cosmology- The cosmos is studied extensively under cosmology.
It covers the entire process from the origin of the universe to its expansion.
Planetary Science- This branch extends the ability to understand planets,
satellites and other planets in the solar system. In this,
students study the atmosphere, from the surface of the planets to the interior.
Stellar Science- All-stars in the solar system are arranged under a particular
parameter. Many of these depend on the position of the Sun.
It is studied in Stellar Science.

Rich job opportunities
One does not have to wander for employment in this field after doing a
successful course. Professionals hold key positions in National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO),
Defense Research and Development Organization (DADO),
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), National Aeronautical Laboratory (NAL),
etc. Apart from this, there is also plenty of employment in spacecraft
software development firm, research and development center, spacecraft
manufacturing firm, space tourism. Major universities or colleges are keeping Space
Scientists with themselves. Space Research Agency, Science Museum, and
Planetarium also have large-scale appointments every year. ISRO and NASA
are known as major employment providers.
Space research
You get work on these posts
Space scientist
Quality Assurance Specialist
Radar technician
Robotic technician
Satellite technician

Attractive Salary Package(space research)
In the space industry, professionals get a very attractive salary, provided they
have a good understanding of the work. Usually, in the initial phase, a space
scientist gets 25-30 thousand rupees per month, while after two-three years
of experience, the same amount reaches 40-45 thousand rupees.
Today there are many scientists in the field of research, who are offering their
services on a package of millions annually. Professionals are also offered
attractive packages abroad.

Advantages and disadvantages and space research benefits:
The job gets in high positions
Relaxed when the project is completed
Working hours more
Many times the result of no work

Education loan
Students are provided with education loans by major nationalized, private or
foreign banks. The bank has to give details of the admission letter, hostel
expenses, tuition fees and other expenses issued from the institution in
which admission is to be done. The final decision has to be made by the bank.

Some major courses
B.Tech in Space Science (4 years)
BSc in Space Science (3 years)
MTech in Space Science (two years)
MSc in Space Science (two years)
ME in Space Science (two years)
Ph.D. in Space Science (3 years)

The command required on the science
Science to be a good professional
It is important to have a good knowledge of subjects especially physics
. Good knowledge of computers and stronghold on the basics of engineering
takes them far ahead. Communication and writing skills, presentation

Major Institutions: space research
Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram.
MSc Space Science, University of Pune
PG Diploma Space Science, Gujarat and Andhra University
M.Tech Remote Sensing, Anna University
MSc Cartography, Madras University
(Space research NASA)

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