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9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World

9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World

  Technological advancements 

The world is changing fast! Changes in the life of a human being will not happen in
100 years, more changes have been made in the last 20 years and more changes
will not happen in thelast7-8 years than those which did not happen in the last 20
years. And there is only one and
only one reason - "Tachnology - Technology"

9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World

In today's time, as fast as change is happening, it has never happened before.
In our post today we are going to tell you about some such new technologies
(New Technologies),
which can change our life completely.
Let us know about some similar unimaginable technologies -

Top 9 Technological advancements (English)
3D printing(  Technological advancements )
Technology in English
9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
Technological advancements

3D Printing is one of the most amazing and wonderful new and best technology
of the present time.3D printers will print our digital designs into a solid,
real and amazing look to products
- just like pencils for Shaka Laka Boom Boom boom!

3D Printer will bring un unbelievable changes in the world in the coming times and
as it will be used in almost every area of your and our lives.
So far The 3D printing has been used to make everything
from bicycles to airplane parts, metal items, food products, human organs,
houses, and many more.
and many more

This technology is constantly evolving and in the future, it will be used to make almost
all types of concrete objects.

9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
Technological advancements
Driverless car(  Technological advancements )
Many Mnc companies including Google and Ford are developing Auto-Driving Cars
through AI (artificial intelligence). In a self-driving car, the input is given by the video camera,
and different parts of the car are equipped with sensors for control.

Self-driving cars will reduce road accidents because the sensors and other technology
installed in these cars are so excellent that the chances of accidents are negligible.
Many companies have developed self-driving cars, but it will take a few more years for this
technology to be used practically.

9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9New Technology That Will Change the World

: Technological advancements

9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
Technological advancements

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Such robots that we have seen only in films till now are now taking real form.
Scientists are being engaged in developing  Artificial Intelligence in Robots.
Although the science is not yet around to develop robots as humans understand,
many tasks robots do better and quicker than humans. They are still being used
in medical surgeries, places of harmful substances, and repeat work.

9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
Technological advancements

In the coming time, robots will be used in day-to-day tasks like cooking, cleaning
dirty utensils, cleaning the house, picking up stuff, and moving it from one place to
another. Just as a few years log back, the computer changed the way we work, the
robots will also change the way we work.

Sub-Sonic Transportation Hyperloop

9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
Technological advancements

Scientists are developing a special and unique technology

"Sub-Sonic Transportation Hyperloop" in the field of traffic.
The rocket-like train will run three times (1224 km) very very faster than a
bullet train through a vacuum system. Sudden loss of contact with electricity,
bad weather, and earthquake will not affect this.
There is a possibility of running the first Subsonic Train by 2025,
which will bring a big change
in the transport sector.

Internet of Things (Internet of Things)

9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
Technological advancement

Internet of Things is the new technology to connect our everyday life objects
like mobiles, music systems, vehicles, electronics, sensors, and other smart
devices into a network that can exchange data among themselves. It is used
in hospitals to check the health of the patient, to keep security through mobile
at home and elsewhere, to protect the vehicle from a crash.

With the help of this technology advancement, many things will become easier and simple
in the coming time, such as your oven will turn off after the cake is made, the light will light
itself on coming into the room.

Brain Controlled Computers

Its purpose is to make computers and other devices to work through the human mind.
However, only a few things have been done on it now, but in the future, you will be able to
work on the computer with a fast brain. Some     
MNC companies have made some devices that work by reading the human mind.

Artificial Pink light farms

9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9  New Technology That Will Change the World Technological  advancements
Technological advancements
Due to the increasing population, cultivable land has started to decrease.
With this new technology it helps with pink light farms, it is possible to get
organic and pesticide-free farming inside the house. In this technique, cultivation
is done in the internal environment using special types of LED lights. Not only this,
but water also costs less in this technique, and farming can be done at any time of the

It had used in the cultivation of tobacco, drugs, and vaccine.

9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World: Technological advancements

Virtual Reality
9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
Technological advancements

A special type of computer-generated electronic device in which screens
and sensors are fitted. By wearing it on our eyes, we can enjoy it exactly like
a real game through 3-Dimages and the environment. Are so real, it may be
difficult to differentiate between reality and virtual reality in the future. Apart from
games, in the future, it will be used in many areas
like heritage, education, entertainment, business, etc.

Space Trip (Human Spaceflight)

9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
technological advancements

So far, around 500 people have been able to travel to space around the world.
But Virgin Galactic Company is working on the mission of making space travel
to common people and a special type of space trip is being designed for this.
The first space flight will be sent
in the next 5-6 years.
9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
technological advancements

Along with this, a new technology of space trip, the US space agency NASA
has also invited applications from those wishing to go into space. After special
training and dedicated training, some selected people will be given a space trip.
by this New technology

Some MNC companies are working towards building hotels and human settlements in
the space by 2030.
9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology
That Will Change the World

           Keywords :
  • technologies that will change the world in the next 10 years
  • how is technology changing the world today
  • future technologies that will change the world
  • it megatrends 2020
  • what are new ways people can use technology to change the world?
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  • technology that will change the world in 20 years
  • mega trend example
  • technology megatrends 2020
  • it megatrends 2019
  • mega trends
  • how will technology change in 10 years
  • future of technology in 10 years
  • future ideas that will change the world
  • how will technology change our lives in the next 20 years
  • technologies that will change the world in the next 20 years
  • future technology
  • 9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
  • 9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
  • 9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
  • 9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
  • 9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World
  • 9 technological advancements That Will Change the World-9 New Technology That Will Change the World

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